Worlds Most Haunted Forests

Forests are tranquil places, a natural sanctuary that’s home to an array of wildlife. However, some forests have a darker side, with reports of strange occurrences and eerie sightings that have left people questioning their reality. These are the world’s most haunted forests.

The Hoia Baciu Forest, Romania

Hoia Baciu Forest

The Hoia Baciu forest in Romania, is known as the ‘Bermuda Triangle of Transylvania’. This forest is shrouded in mystery and has a history of paranormal activity that dates back to the 1960s. Visitors have reported feeling dizzy, nauseous, and have experienced unexplained scratches and burns. The forest is also said to be a portal for UFO sightings.

The Aokigahara Forest, Japan

Aokigahara Forest

The Aokigahara Forest in Japan, also known as the ‘Sea of Trees’, has a haunting reputation as a place where many people go to commit suicide. The dense forest has a dark atmosphere, with winding paths and hidden caves that make it easy to become lost. Those who have ventured into the forest have reported hearing eerie whispers and screams.

The Black Forest, Germany

Black Forest

The Black Forest in Germany is known for its picturesque scenery, but it also has a reputation for being a place of dark magic and witchcraft. The forest has a history of supernatural occurrences, with stories of witches, ghosts, and werewolves. Visitors have reported feeling a sense of unease and have heard strange noises coming from the forest.

The Dering Woods, England

Dering Woods

The Dering Woods in England are known for their strange occurrences, including sightings of ghostly apparitions, unexplained lights, and even werewolves. The woods are steeped in history, with tales of witches being burned at the stake in the 18th century. Visitors to the woods have reported feeling a sense of unease and have heard strange noises.

The Freetown-Fall River State Forest, Massachusetts

Freetown-Fall River State Forest

The Freetown-Fall River State Forest in Massachusetts is known for its dark history, including reports of satanic rituals and sacrifices. Visitors to the forest have reported feeling a sense of unease and have heard strange noises. The forest is also home to the ‘Bridgewater Triangle’, an area known for its paranormal activity.

The Devil’s Tramping Ground, North Carolina

Devil’S Tramping Ground

The Devil’s Tramping Ground in North Carolina is a mysterious circular clearing in the woods, where nothing grows. Legend has it that the devil himself comes to the clearing at night, to plot his evil deeds. Visitors to the clearing have reported strange occurrences, including hearing strange noises and feeling a sense of unease.

The Pine Barrens, New Jersey

Pine Barrens

The Pine Barrens in New Jersey is a dense forest that is home to the legendary ‘Jersey Devil’. According to legend, the Jersey Devil is a winged creature with a goat’s head and hooves, who terrorizes the locals. Visitors to the forest have reported hearing strange noises and feeling a sense of unease.

The Monte Cristo Homestead, Australia

Monte Cristo Homestead

The Monte Cristo Homestead in Australia is one of the most haunted places in the country. The homestead is located in a remote area, and its history is steeped in tragedy. Visitors to the homestead have reported seeing ghostly apparitions and hearing strange noises.

The Blair Witch Project Woods, Maryland

Blair Witch Project Woods

The Blair Witch Project Woods in Maryland are known for their connection to the horror film, ‘The Blair Witch Project’. Visitors to the woods have reported hearing strange noises and feeling a sense of unease. The woods are also home to the ‘Burkittsville Seven’, a group of men who disappeared in the woods in the 1940s.

The Screaming Woods, England

Screaming Woods

The Screaming Woods in England are known for their eerie reputation, with reports of ghostly apparitions and screams coming from the woods. The woods are said to be haunted by the ghosts of the dead, with many people reporting feeling a sense of unease when they enter the woods.

The Wychwood Forest, England

Wychwood Forest

The Wychwood Forest in England is known for its pagan history, with reports of witchcraft and dark magic. Visitors to the forest have reported seeing ghostly apparitions and hearing strange noises. The forest is also home to the ‘Wild Hunt’, a ghostly procession of hunters and hounds.

The Sallie House, Kansas

Sallie House

The Sallie House in Kansas is known for its dark history, including reports of demon possession and ghostly apparitions. Visitors to the house have reported feeling a sense of unease and have heard strange noises. The house is also home to the ‘Shadow People’, ghostly figures that are said to haunt the house.

The Dandenong Ranges, Australia

Dandenong Ranges

The Dandenong Ranges in Australia are known for their connection to the famous ghost story, ‘Picnic at Hanging Rock’. Visitors to the ranges have reported seeing ghostly apparitions and hearing strange noises. The ranges are also home to the ‘Tanglefoot Track’, a trail that is said to be haunted by the ghosts of the dead.

The Rendlesham Forest, England

Rendlesham Forest

The Rendlesham Forest in England is known for its connection to one of the most famous UFO sightings in history. In 1980, two US Air Force officers reported seeing strange lights in the forest, which they believed to be a UFO. Visitors to the forest have reported feeling a sense of unease and have heard strange noises.

The Epping Forest, England

Epping Forest

The Epping Forest in England is known for its connection to the notorious highwayman, Dick Turpin. Turpin is said to have used the forest as a hiding place, and his ghost is said to haunt the area. Visitors to the forest have reported seeing ghostly apparitions and hearing strange noises.

The Forest of Dean, England

Forest Of Dean

The Forest of Dean in England is known for its dark history, including reports of witchcraft and satanic rituals. Visitors to the forest have reported seeing ghostly apparitions and hearing strange noises. The forest is also home to the ‘Cinderford Witch’, a legendary witch who is said to haunt the area.

The Wistman’s Wood, England

Wistman’S Wood

The Wistman’s Wood in England is known for its eerie atmosphere, with twisted trees and moss-covered rocks. Visitors to the woods have reported seeing ghostly apparitions and hearing strange noises. The woods are also home to the ‘Hairy Hands’, a legend of ghostly hands that reach out and grab unsuspecting travelers.

The Devil’s Backbone, Texas

Devil’S Backbone

The Devil’s Backbone in Texas is known for its dark history, including reports of ghostly apparitions and satanic rituals. Visitors to the area have reported seeing ghostly figures and hearing strange noises. The area is also home to the ‘Headless Horseman’, a legendary figure who is said to haunt the area.

The Stanley Hotel, Colorado

Stanley Hotel

The Stanley Hotel in Colorado is known for its connection to the horror film, ‘The Shining’. The hotel is said to be haunted by the ghosts of its former guests, with reports of ghostly apparitions and strange occurrences. Visitors to the hotel have reported feeling a sense of unease and have heard strange noises.

The Chillingham Castle, England

Chillingham Castle

The Chillingham Castle in England is known for its dark history, including reports of torture and murder. Visitors to the castle have reported seeing ghostly apparitions and hearing strange noises. The castle is also home to the ‘White Lady’, a ghostly figure who is said to haunt the area.

Related video of World's Most Haunted Forests
