Worlds Largest Single Drop Waterfall Kaieteur Falls Guyana


Located in the heart of Guyana, Kaieteur Falls is one of the most spectacular natural wonders in the world. This single drop waterfall is considered to be the largest of its kind, standing at an impressive height of 741 feet. The waterfall is situated in the Kaieteur National Park, which is known for its rich biodiversity and stunning scenic beauty.

The History of Kaieteur Falls

The history of Kaieteur Falls dates back to the early 20th century when it was first discovered by a British geologist named Charles Barrington Brown. Brown was exploring the interior of Guyana when he stumbled upon the waterfall and was immediately struck by its size and beauty. He named the waterfall after Kai, a local Amerindian chief who lived in the area.

The Geology of Kaieteur Falls

The geological formation of Kaieteur Falls is quite unique. The waterfall is situated on a sandstone plateau, which is believed to have been formed over 1.5 billion years ago. Over time, the sandstone has eroded, creating a deep gorge that the Potaro River flows through. The waterfall itself is formed when the river flows over the edge of the gorge and drops 741 feet into the pool below.

The Flora and Fauna of Kaieteur National Park

Kaieteur National Park is known for its rich biodiversity. The park is home to a wide variety of plant and animal species, including over 800 species of birds, 150 species of mammals, and 1,200 species of plants. Some of the most notable species found in the park include the Harpy Eagle, Giant Otter, and Jaguar.

The Legend of Kaieteur Falls

According to local legend, Kaieteur Falls was created by a powerful spirit known as Makonaima. Makonaima was said to have created the waterfall as a display of his strength and power. The Amerindian people who lived in the area believed that the waterfall was a sacred place and would often visit it to offer prayers and offerings to the spirit of Makonaima.

Visiting Kaieteur Falls

Visiting Kaieteur Falls is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The easiest way to get to the falls is by taking a flight from Georgetown, the capital of Guyana. The flight takes around an hour and offers stunning views of the rainforest and the Potaro River. Once you arrive at the falls, you can take a guided tour of the area and explore the park's many hiking trails.

The Importance of Conservation

Kaieteur Falls and the surrounding area are incredibly important for conservation efforts in Guyana. The park is home to many endangered species, and efforts are being made to protect their habitats and prevent further destruction of the rainforest. By visiting Kaieteur Falls, you are not only experiencing one of the most beautiful natural wonders in the world, but you are also helping to support conservation efforts in the region.


Kaieteur Falls is truly one of the most spectacular natural wonders in the world. Its towering height, stunning beauty, and rich history make it a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Guyana. Whether you are an adventure seeker, a nature lover, or simply looking for a unique and unforgettable experience, Kaieteur Falls is sure to leave a lasting impression on you.

Related video of Worlds Largest Single Drop Waterfall Kaieteur Falls Guyana
