Visiting Ocean Spray New Jersey Cranberry Bog Farm

If you're looking for a unique and educational experience, look no further than Ocean Spray's New Jersey Cranberry Bog Farm. Located in the heart of the Pine Barrens, this farm offers visitors a chance to learn about the history and cultivation of one of America's favorite fruits.

Cranberry Bog Farm

The History of Cranberries in New Jersey

Cranberries have been grown in New Jersey since the 1800s, when farmers in the Pine Barrens discovered that the acidic soil and sandy terrain were perfect for growing this tart, red fruit. Today, New Jersey is one of the largest cranberry-producing states in the country, second only to Massachusetts.

Cranberry Bog

The Cranberry Bog Farm Experience

At Ocean Spray's Cranberry Bog Farm, visitors can take a guided tour of the farm and learn about the cultivation and harvesting of cranberries. The tour includes a visit to the farm's cranberry bog, where visitors can see the berries growing on the vines and learn about the unique harvesting process.

Cranberry Harvest

The Harvesting Process

Unlike most fruits, cranberries are harvested by flooding the bog with water and using machines to shake the berries off the vines. The berries float to the surface of the water, making them easy to collect. Visitors to the farm can watch this process in action and even try their hand at harvesting some cranberries themselves.

Cranberry Picker

Cranberry Products and Tasting

After the tour, visitors can stop by the farm's gift shop to purchase a variety of cranberry products, including jams, sauces, and dried cranberries. There's also a tasting room where visitors can sample different cranberry products and learn about the health benefits of this superfood.

Cranberry Juice

Education and Sustainability

In addition to offering tours and products, Ocean Spray's Cranberry Bog Farm is committed to educating visitors about the importance of sustainability and preserving the environment. The farm uses sustainable farming practices and works to protect the local ecosystem, including the native wildlife and plant species.

Cranberry Flowers

Plan Your Visit

The Cranberry Bog Farm is open for tours from May through October, with peak harvest season in September and October. Admission is $5 per person, and tours last approximately one hour. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes and clothing that can get wet, as the bog can be muddy and wet during the harvesting process.

Cranberry Farm Sign


Visiting Ocean Spray's Cranberry Bog Farm is a fun and educational experience for all ages. Whether you're a fan of cranberries or just interested in learning more about sustainable farming, this farm has something to offer. So why not plan a visit and see for yourself what makes this farm so special?

Related video of Visiting Ocean Spray New Jersey Cranberry Bog Farm
