Virginia New International Dark Sky Parks

Starry Sky At Night

The beauty of the sky at night has always been a source of wonder for humanity. From the earliest times, people have looked up at the stars and imagined what they might mean. Today, the stars are still a source of inspiration, but they are also a precious resource that needs to be protected. That's why Virginia is proud to announce the creation of three new International Dark Sky Parks.

What are International Dark Sky Parks?

International Dark Sky Parks

International Dark Sky Parks are designated areas that have been recognized for their exceptional starry skies. To be designated as an International Dark Sky Park, an area must meet certain criteria, such as being located far from major cities and having minimal light pollution. The designation is given by the International Dark-Sky Association, a non-profit organization that works to protect the night skies for future generations.

The Three New Parks

Shenandoah National Park

The three new International Dark Sky Parks in Virginia are Shenandoah National Park, Staunton River State Park, and Breaks Interstate Park. Each park offers a unique experience for visitors who want to experience the beauty of the night sky.

Shenandoah National Park

Shenandoah National Park

Shenandoah National Park is located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. The park is known for its scenic drives, hiking trails, and stunning views. Visitors to the park can now enjoy the beauty of the night sky as well. The park has designated areas for stargazing and offers ranger-led astronomy programs.

Staunton River State Park

Staunton River State Park

Staunton River State Park is located in southern Virginia and is known for its natural beauty and recreational opportunities. The park has a lake that is popular for fishing and boating. Visitors can also enjoy hiking and camping. Now, visitors to the park can also enjoy the beauty of the night sky. The park has designated areas for stargazing and offers ranger-led astronomy programs.

Breaks Interstate Park

Breaks Interstate Park

Breaks Interstate Park is located on the border of Virginia and Kentucky. The park is known for its stunning views of the Breaks Gorge, which is often called the Grand Canyon of the South. Visitors to the park can now enjoy the beauty of the night sky as well. The park has designated areas for stargazing and offers ranger-led astronomy programs.

Why Protect the Night Sky?

Light Pollution

Protecting the night sky is important for several reasons. First, it allows us to better understand our place in the universe. When we look up at the stars, we are reminded of how small we are and how vast the universe is. Second, light pollution can have negative effects on wildlife. Many animals rely on the darkness of night to hunt, navigate, and reproduce. Finally, protecting the night sky allows us to enjoy its beauty and wonder for generations to come.


The creation of three new International Dark Sky Parks in Virginia is an important step in protecting the night sky. These parks offer visitors a chance to experience the beauty of the stars in a way that is not possible in many other places. By protecting the night sky, we are also protecting our natural resources and ensuring that future generations can enjoy the beauty and wonder of the universe.

Related video of Virginia New International Dark Sky Parks
