How To See Manhattanhenge


New York City has many famous landmarks that attract millions of tourists every year. But there is one event that is not as well-known, yet just as spectacular as the rest: Manhattanhenge. This unique phenomenon occurs twice a year when the sun aligns perfectly with the east-west streets of Manhattan, creating a stunning display of light and shadow. If you want to witness this breathtaking event, here’s how to see Manhattanhenge.

What is Manhattanhenge?

Manhattanhenge is a term coined by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, inspired by the famous Stonehenge in England. It refers to the biannual event when the setting sun aligns perfectly with the east-west streets of Manhattan, creating a radiant glow across the city. The name has since become popularized and is now used to describe any similar urban phenomenon.


When does Manhattanhenge occur?

Manhattanhenge occurs twice a year, usually around May 28th and July 12th. The dates vary slightly from year to year, so it’s important to check the exact dates for the current year. The event lasts for a few minutes around sunset, so it’s important to be in the right place at the right time.

Where is the best place to see Manhattanhenge?

The best place to see Manhattanhenge is on 34th Street and 42nd Street, as these streets are wider and have fewer obstructions. The viewing lanes on these streets are marked with white lines to help guide spectators. However, any east-west street in Manhattan can offer a good view of the phenomenon.


What is the best time to see Manhattanhenge?

The best time to see Manhattanhenge is at sunset, which varies depending on the time of year. On the day of Manhattanhenge, the sun sets directly on the horizon, creating a spectacular display of light and shadow. It’s important to arrive early to secure a good viewing spot, as the event only lasts a few minutes.

How do I prepare for Manhattanhenge?

Preparing for Manhattanhenge is simple: bring a camera and arrive early. The event draws a large crowd, so it’s important to arrive at least an hour before sunset to secure a good viewing spot. It’s also a good idea to dress comfortably and bring snacks and water, as the event can last several hours.


What should I expect during Manhattanhenge?

During Manhattanhenge, expect to see a sea of people gathered on the streets, all eagerly awaiting the moment when the sun aligns with the buildings. As the sun sets, the buildings cast long shadows across the street, creating a stunning display of light and shadow. It’s a truly unique and unforgettable experience.

Can I see Manhattanhenge from other places in New York City?

Yes, you can see Manhattanhenge from other places in New York City, but the view may not be as clear or unobstructed. The closer you are to 34th Street or 42nd Street, the better your view will be. However, any east-west street in Manhattan can offer a good view of the phenomenon.


What happens if it’s cloudy during Manhattanhenge?

If it’s cloudy during Manhattanhenge, the event may be postponed or cancelled. The sun needs to be visible on the horizon for the phenomenon to occur, so cloudy or overcast weather can ruin the experience. It’s best to check the weather forecast beforehand and plan accordingly.


Manhattanhenge is a truly unique and unforgettable experience that offers a stunning display of light and shadow across the city. If you want to witness this breathtaking event, make sure to check the exact dates for the current year, arrive early, and bring a camera. Remember to dress comfortably and bring snacks and water, as the event can last several hours. With a bit of preparation and patience, you can witness one of the most awe-inspiring events in New York City.

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