Horizontal Waterfall Kimberley Australia

One of the most breathtaking natural wonders in Australia is the Horizontal Waterfall Kimberley. Located in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, this natural phenomenon is a unique tidal feature that draws thousands of visitors every year.

Horizontal Waterfall Kimberley Australia

The Formation of the Horizontal Waterfall Kimberley

The Horizontal Waterfall Kimberley is a result of the powerful tidal movements of the Indian Ocean. The tidal movements create a unique phenomenon where water is pushed through two narrow gaps in the McLarty Range, creating a horizontal waterfall effect.

The waterfall effect can be observed during the peak tidal movements, which can reach up to 11 meters, and creates a stunning display of water cascading down the narrow gaps at an incredible speed.

The Beauty of the Horizontal Waterfall Kimberley

The Horizontal Waterfall Kimberley is not only a unique natural wonder but also a stunning sight to behold. The waterfalls create a beautiful contrast against the rugged coastline and the red rock formations of the McLarty Range.

Visitors can witness the beauty of the Horizontal Waterfall Kimberley up close by taking a boat tour that takes them through the narrow gaps. The boat ride is an exhilarating experience that takes visitors on a thrilling ride through the waterfall and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

The Wildlife of the Kimberley Region

The Kimberley region is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including saltwater crocodiles, humpback whales, and sea turtles. Visitors can witness these magnificent creatures up close by taking a wildlife tour that takes them through the waters around the Horizontal Waterfall Kimberley.

During the tour, visitors can witness the saltwater crocodiles basking in the sun on the banks of the waterfalls or catch a glimpse of the majestic humpback whales breaching out of the water.

The Aboriginal Culture of the Kimberley Region

The Kimberley region is also home to the indigenous people of Australia, who have inhabited the area for over 50,000 years. The Aboriginal culture is deeply rooted in the region, and visitors can experience it firsthand by taking a cultural tour that takes them through the traditional lands of the indigenous people.

During the tour, visitors can witness traditional dance performances, learn about the history and culture of the indigenous people, and witness ancient rock art that dates back thousands of years.

How to Get to the Horizontal Waterfall Kimberley

The Horizontal Waterfall Kimberley is located in the remote Kimberley region of Western Australia and can be accessed by taking a flight from Perth or Darwin to Broome, the nearest town to the waterfalls.

From Broome, visitors can take a boat tour that takes them through the waterfalls and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Visitors can also take a scenic flight that offers an aerial view of the Horizontal Waterfall Kimberley.


Visiting the Horizontal Waterfall Kimberley is an experience of a lifetime. The natural wonder is a unique phenomenon that offers stunning views and a thrilling boat ride through the waterfall. The surrounding landscape, wildlife, and Aboriginal culture make the Kimberley region a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Western Australia.

Related video of Exploring the Wonders of the Horizontal Waterfall Kimberley Australia
