Havasupai Havasu Falls Hidden Grand Canyon

Havasu Falls

Located in the remote area of Arizona, the Havasupai Havasu Falls is one of the most beautiful and hidden gems of the Grand Canyon. The turquoise blue water and the cascading waterfalls make it a popular tourist destination for outdoor enthusiasts and hikers. The journey to reach this hidden oasis is not an easy one, but it is definitely worth it.

The Havasupai People

Havasupai People

The Havasupai people have been living in this area for over 800 years, and they have a deep connection with the land and water. They are the guardians of the Havasu Falls and have been taking care of this natural wonder for generations. The name Havasupai means “people of the blue-green water,” which reflects the stunning color of the water in the area.

The Journey

Hiking To Havasu Falls

The journey to Havasu Falls is not an easy one. It involves an 8-mile hike through the rugged terrain of the Grand Canyon. The trail is steep and rocky, and it requires a high level of fitness and endurance. However, the stunning views and natural beauty along the way make the journey unforgettable.

Once you reach the village of Supai, you will need to check in at the tourism office and pay the entrance fee. From there, it is a 2-mile hike to the campsite, where you can set up your tent and prepare for the adventure ahead.

The Campsite

Havasu Falls Campsite

The campsite at Havasu Falls is located near the waterfalls, and it provides a stunning view of the area. The campsite has basic facilities such as toilets and showers, and it is a great place to relax and enjoy the natural beauty of the area. It is important to note that camping permits are required, and they can be obtained from the tourism office in Supai.

The Waterfalls

Havasu Falls Waterfalls

Havasu Falls is the most famous waterfall in the area, and it is the perfect place to swim and relax. The water is warm and inviting, and the mist from the falls creates a refreshing atmosphere. Mooney Falls, Beaver Falls, and Navajo Falls are other waterfalls in the area that are worth exploring.

The Wildlife

Wildlife In Havasu Falls

The area around Havasu Falls is home to a variety of wildlife, including coyotes, foxes, and deer. It is important to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions to avoid encounters with wildlife. It is also important to pack out all of your trash and food to avoid attracting animals to the campsite.

The Best Time to Visit

Havasu Falls Best Time To Visit

The best time to visit Havasu Falls is from March to May and from September to November. The weather during these months is mild, and the water in the falls is at its clearest. The summer months can be extremely hot, and the water can be murky due to increased foot traffic.


Havasu Falls is a hidden gem of the Grand Canyon, and it is a must-visit destination for outdoor enthusiasts and hikers. The journey to reach this natural wonder is not an easy one, but the stunning views and natural beauty along the way make it an unforgettable experience. The turquoise blue water and cascading waterfalls make it a popular tourist destination, and the campsite near the waterfalls provides a stunning view of the area. It is important to take precautions and be aware of your surroundings to avoid encounters with wildlife. By following these tips, you can experience the beauty and wonder of Havasu Falls.

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