Disappearing Green Lake Austria Gruner See

Gruner See


Green Lake Austria, also known as Gruner See, is a beautiful lake located in Styria, Austria. It is known for its crystal-clear water and lush green surroundings. However, during the summer season, something strange happens. The lake disappears, leaving behind a dry park.

The Phenomenon

Green Lake Austria

The disappearance of Green Lake Austria is not a new phenomenon. It happens every year during the summer season. The lake is fed by snowmelt from the surrounding mountains, and during winter, the water level rises up to 12 meters. However, during the summer, the water level drops to only one or two meters, and the lake disappears.

The Dry Park

Dry Park Gruner See

During the summer season, the lake disappears, leaving behind a dry park. The park is a popular spot for hikers and cyclists, who come to enjoy the beautiful scenery. The park is filled with benches, tables, and even a small playground for children. It is a perfect spot for a picnic or a relaxing day out in nature.

The Scuba Diving Destination

Scuba Diving In Gruner See

During the winter season, Green Lake Austria is a popular spot for scuba diving. The crystal-clear water provides excellent visibility, and divers can explore the underwater world of the lake. However, during the summer season, scuba diving is not possible, as the lake disappears. But don't worry, the lake returns during the fall season, and scuba diving can resume.

The Threats to Green Lake Austria

Threats To Green Lake Austria

Green Lake Austria is facing several threats. The increasing number of visitors to the lake is causing damage to the surrounding environment. The park is littered with trash, and the wildlife is being disturbed. Furthermore, the construction of a new parking lot and a hotel is planned, which will further damage the environment.

The Importance of Preservation

Preservation Of Green Lake Austria

Preserving Green Lake Austria is crucial to maintaining the natural beauty of the area. The lake and its surroundings are home to a diverse range of wildlife, including rare plant and animal species. It is also an important source of drinking water for the local community. Therefore, it is important to promote sustainable tourism and reduce the negative impact on the environment.

The Bottom Line

Green Lake Austria Bottom Line

Green Lake Austria, or Gruner See, is a natural wonder that attracts visitors from all over the world. However, it is important to preserve the lake and its surroundings for future generations. Sustainable tourism is the key to preserving the natural beauty of the area, and reducing the negative impact on the environment.

Related video of Disappearing Green Lake Austria: Gruner See
